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tv   Power Lunch  CNBC  August 1, 2013 1:00pm-2:01pm EDT

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>> she did. she won. >> josh, final trade. >> keep with your numbers, keep rolling in. >> joe. >> hornback. >> stephanie link? >> i like five star hotels. . "power lunch" starts right now. >> what a trading day it has been already. record breaker new highs for the dow. the s&p, the 500, the 400, whatever you want. the nasdaq not as high but soaring 13-year highs for the nasdaq. full coverage throughout our hour of power. what about this guy? snowden is free in russia. he has left the airport. he is free to move around the country. is president obama putting enough pressure on russia, or do they just like to stick it in our eye? we're going to talk to the
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ranking member of the house foreign affairs committee about that and more. banks, beware. that means you beware. the group that calls themselves the cyber fighters will launch attacks on the system through the next few weeks. sue, the joint is jumping. >> it sure is, ty, thank you. the bulls are indeed off and running on this first day of august. the dow hit an all-time high this morning, and since the bond buying began in november of 2008, the dow is up 86%. that kind of puts it in perspective, right? the s&p 500, the trade is better than 1%, the nasdaq is better than a percent and the russell 2000 is up 1.31%. the volatility index, down
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3-3/4%. brent crude is now up almost 1-1/2%. u.s. manufacturing growth in july rising to its highest level in two years. weekly jobless claims dropping to a five and a half year low. and bob ask knd kenny are here put it in perspective. that is my favorite, an 86% move. the bears would say that's being und underpinned by the bond buying, but the fundamentals are getting a little better. >> you could argue both sides of that because clearly i think a lot of people think it's due to the bond buying, but you have seen that getting better. the feds should start the bull back as well as several other areas around the world, but we saw it in europe today. the bank of england needs to continue their program kind of full steam ahead until we become
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more data dependent. this is partly a result, i think, of better numbers for sure, but also the fed is still sitting there. >> we move to the 1700 level on the s&p 500. >> we're at a very important number right now. the first half of the year, everybody apologized fort crummy earnings and said things will be better in the second half. they apologized for the economic move and said, things will be better in the second half. now we have the ipo numbers and it really is a little bit better. that should give you heart that things will be a little bit better. interest rates are up. we're at 2.7 on the 10-year. the stock market is not only not falling apart, just like the adp number the other day, interest rates up, stocks holding it in. >> thanks, guys. we'll see you a little later. ty, back to you. sales from the u.s. car makers double digit gains in july from the same period a year ago. toyota in the top spot, 16.5% gain followed by general motors up 16.3, ford, chrysler, nissan.
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let's check in with cnbc's phil labeau, our car guy. phil? >> eric, i know you're joining us from detroit. a quick question regarding the sales for you guys, up more than 11%. but when you take a look at where trucks were, the real engine of your growth. are you seeing strength in one particular area of truck sales around the country, or is it pretty much across the board? >> it's pretty much across the board, phil. we are seeing some strength in some of the hotter housing markets, such as in california, new york and places like miami, but we're seeing truck strength really across the board. there really aren't any regions across the country that are down on trucks right now. >> while your truck sales were up 22.6%, i want to talk about the fusion, which is your top-selling car. sales down 12%. i know you were supply constrained because you were ramping up production at your flat rock assembly plant, but it brings up the question, did you leave some sales on the table last month?
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>> well, certainly if we had more inventory on some of our key vehicles like the fusion, we probably could have done even a little better than what we did on the retail side of our business. fusion right now is turning at about two weeks in some of our key coastal markets. we're really looking forward to getting the 1400 workers up and running in flat rock this fall, because it will help us out a lot, particularly on the coast. >> what about england? it's still naked despite the fact you've had a massive advertising campaign for most of the year. do we see it changing at all? >> it's going to be a long journey for lincoln. it's going to take some time. when you look at the retail level, we were up 3%. so we are continuing to gain some traction with mkz, particularly around the hybrids. >> eric merkle and chief sales analyst joining us from detroit. there you have it, tyler, a month where we'll find out later
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on what the total sales point is, but it's coming in at this point about 15.8 million vehicles, roughly on target with what ford was expecting. >> i think that's a beautifully designed sedan for families and more. slip and slide for the three oil companies out on earnings. exxonmobil, i a 16% drop. it is trading now at 7.80. royal dutch shell also dropped because of production cost rises. conocophillips second quarter results, down 10%. it the best of the lot, up a buck and a penny at 69.87. time warner cable and cbs may be fighting over money, but both companies are making money, plenty of it.
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both reporting better than expected quarterlies on growth and revenues. time warner did lose more video subscribers, though. bullish stocks moving in the bullish markets by better than 3% apiece. another big story today is the edward snowden case. he is now a freeman, or relatively so in russia. he has been granted a one-year visa and he has left the airport where he's been holed up, as you probably know, since june 21st. just yesterday he spoke with the head of the national security agency, general keith alexander. aman? >> we're here at black hat. this is the big cybersecurity and hacker conference in las vegas. this is the first big security and hacker conference since snowden's revelations. as you can imagine, snowden is the topic in the hallways here at black cat. the head of nsa was also here today, chief alexander, giving a
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speech to this group. they want to reach out to the private sector, reach out to the hacker community. we caught up with him in the hallways after his speech, and we asked him what he thought should happen to edward snowden? >> do you think edward snowden should be able to come back and face charges here? >> i do. absolutely. >> what do you think will happen to him? >> that's up to our judicial process. i think he'll get justice. >> you think you want the russians to let them go? >> absolutely. absolutely. i think there is more to the story. >> just like we're talking days in which they're allowing edward snowden to stay in russia. they'll be giving him a one-year visa. he'll be able to stay while his application is pending. guys, they are talking about this story here. there is an undercurrent of
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sympathy for snowden at this conference. a lot of division of opinion as well. back to you guides. >> i'm sure there is. thank you so much, aman. the ranking member of the house means committee is here today. should the president continue on his visit to russia which is scheduled for just next month. ron: i'm never alone with scottrade. i can always call or stop by my local office. they're nearby and ready to help. so when i have questions, i can talk to someone who knows exactly how i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. that's why i'm with scottrade. announcer: scottrade- proud to be ranked "best overall client experience." [ male announcer ] a car that can actually see like a human using stereoscopic cameras...
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former nsa contractor is free in russia. russia granted him a one-year freedom today. congressman, welcome to "power lunch." it's a pleasure to have you here. >> thank you. >> i want to start with whether or not you think the president is handling this the correct way? is he putting enough pressure on russia to get mr. snowden back here? >> i'm sure he is. you know, not everything is as it appears up front. there are many private communications. i'm sure the administration and the president in particular is saying what needs to be said. it's outrageous that russia is allowing him to stay in the country. it's absolutely outrageous, and i believe that we cannot continue business as usual with the russians. now, russia is certainly an important country and it's not something we're going to break off diplomatic relations for, but i think we need to have a response, i think we need to have a tempered response.
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>> what would that response be? ideally, if you could construct a response to president putin right now, what would it be? >> well, i think the president is scheduled to meet with mr. putin in a few weeks. i certainly, if i were advising the president, i would tell him not to go. i think that putin has to understand that there are consequences to what he does. now, we're not going to blow up our relationship with russia because obviously it's an important relationship, but i think that we should cool it for a while, and i think that we should let him know that this is unacceptable, totally unacceptable, and, you know, particularly since putin is someone who, unfortunately, has taken russia back to the bad old days of the soviet union, former kgb guy. i think he never stopped being a kgb guy, and he looks upon the united states, apparently, as an adversary rather than a potential friend and ally. i think if that's the way he
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feels, we can't just be punching bags, we have to punch back. >> spikie speaking of pumplg -- punching back, before iran's election, the house passes major new sanctions. it cuts iran's oil exports to zero. that's a pretty strong message you seem to be sending. >> it's more than sending a message. your description is very right on the money. that's exactly what the bill does. for years iran has been playing games with the international community talking about potentially stopping its nuclear program but continuing to spin
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centrefuges and moving closer and closer to having a nuclear bomb. we can't wait any more. we posed those sanctions because we hope it will make iran change its ways and understand they can't keep thumbing their nose at the international community. iran can't have a nuclear weapon for so many reasons. if they had a nuclear weapon, other countries would get one right away, saudi arabia, turkey, egypt. it would start off a terrible race. that's something that should not be allowed. the former president of iran has threatened to wipe israel off with nuclear weapons, they make statements about our allies, european allies in europe, and they would have the ability to hit the united states in a year or two if they were allowed to have a nuclear weapon. so we want to dissuade them, and we think this legislation is the way to do it. >> it certainly would seem to, but the question is whether or
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not -- it certainly has gone through the house, but what about the senate? >> the senate, i'm told, will be taking up similar lejgislation n november. i believe the president will sign the bill because nobody wants iran to have nuclear weapons. the bill was passed overwhelmingly 400 to 20. even amongst the 20 people, they favor sanctions on iran, they just felt for whatever reason the time was not right. but the time is right because times are marching on, and the clock we have to use is the iranian nuclear clock every day that we allow to spend centrifuges. >> although this bill certainly, i would think, would dissuade them, the goal of sanctions over the past few years has been to do just that, and it hasn't
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seemed to work. they probably are closer to building a nuclear bomb than they ever have been before. is it too late? >> i hope not. and you're right about previous sanctions not working. that's why these sanctions are the toughest sanctions ever. we hope that maybe they will work. but if they don't work, i think the president has made it clear that all options are on the table, because iran must not be allowed to have a nuclear weapon, and president obama has told me personally and told many other people permanently that under his watch, he will not allow iran to have a nuclear weapon. >> thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you very much. very interesting conversation there. the new motorola google fine. tyler, the big bad bank hackers are back. they don't want your money, they
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just want to keep you from accessing it. more on "power lunch." a quarter million tweeters musicare tweeting.eamed. and 900 million dollars are changing hands online. that's why the internet needs a new kind of server. one that's 80% smaller. uses 89% less energy. and costs 77% less. it's called hp moonshot. and it's giving the internet the room it needs to grow. this going to be big. it's time to build a better enterprise. together. to experience the precision handling of the lexus performance vehicles, including the gs and all-new is. ♪ this is the pursuit of perfection.
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learn futures from experienced pros with dedicated chats and daily live webinars. and trade with papermoney to test-drive the market. ♪ all on thinkorswim. from td ameritrade. welcome back to "power lunch." i'm scott cohn. icahn filing a report against dell and the board of directors. he wants to seek to prevent dell
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from setting a new record date for the special meeting and trying to get a declaration from the court in delaware that the board breached its fiduciary duties. dell is up 1.5%, and we'll keep you posted on this, but the battle is taking a new turn now for dell. tyler, back to you. >> scott cohn, thank you very much. let's tell you about a couple stories in the earnings front. p and g will only provide annual forecasts now as it tries to turn investor focus toward long-term growth. all state, policies rose for the first time in six years at allstate. and education stocks led by the apollo groups at all-time highs.
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there was word that dan lobe has tin a steak. he's a busy man; mr. lobe. others saying it's not true. the newest phone is out. the question is can it compete with the big guys? that would be apple and samsung. >> reporter: it turned out to be a tough start. last year's phones fell flat, and last year they had more than 20,000 employees. today? 4600. it's a leaner work force but google is placing much more bets on product and culture. on the pruk side there's mooduc
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motorola x. >> it's got 600,000 square feet on four floors, enough room for 2500 workers. considering it's four football field long, it's going to take a little creativity just to get around. >> he said they'll use scooters to get from one end to the other. he won't say how much this massive project costs, but mayor emanuel says it's the biggest in the city for years. this one also gives a boost to the tech solutions. >> there are 7,000 digital jobs and they just all came about in the last two years. when you have a major, not just anchor, tenant in this building, but anchor in the digital alley, it shows where it's going. >> he was here today und
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underscoring the fact that he's serious. we'll address that at the top of closing bell. we'll address this and other things, guys. >> meanwhile, the nation's banks are on high alert bracing for a new round of cyberattacks. kayla is here to tell us what's sparking those fears. kayla? >> it's been quiet for a few banks in the rake of cyber attacks last year. but there was something reported on the website pastebin and led to a concerted six-month string of cyber attacks that shut down bank sites and mobile apps by flooding them with traffic. the message entitled, phase 4. after a chance given to banks to rest awhile, now the cyber fighters will once again take
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hold of their destiny. they are ratcheting up their region and responding to these threats, but ultimately harmless to customer accounts. it was $200 million in march, but a source says it's now $600 million. the attack is because of perceived u.s. insults on islam, but they said they accept it. >> you said customers are not hurt by this, right? >> not expected to be, but here's what happened. bank of america suffered one of these outages, in the -- they had late fees and a lot of other fees that came in because they couldn't get to a bank branch.
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ultimately they will suspect this will be similar, just a flood of traffic. >> so traffic snarl that shuts down the highway, basically? >> absolutely not. >> they could siphon money out of these accounts, couldn't they? >> yes, it's embarrassing to have your website down for an hour, but it's potentially reputably damaging if your account is lost. >> kay larks thanks very much. sue, down to you. >> we're talking about savings down here as well, ty. because if you've ever asked yourself, will my savings last when i retire, you're probably not alone. according to black rock, nearly 66% of americans are really terrified of losing that steady paycheck once they hit the age of 75.
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the other amount will not know how much they or their and fund which attacking the amount of income. in a "power lunch" exclusive, robert capido. >> you know, i was looking at all the information that surrounded the query empathies. you may think you need to know what your. you don't know what you'll get am terms of income when you reti retire. and thaet a new. two-thirds of the assets that we
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manage at black rock, around 4 trillion are tied to. people are concerned because they feel like they'll be living longer. so how about having 10. so the panic is, how much do i need? no one has been able to answer that question. so we have created a website and an index called the kory index where you know what you spend, you know what you. we're going to tell you exactly what you need to and we'll set you up with some products just for signing. chip is a part of this. it's called to see how they do. it's really exciting and people should take a look at it. >> it's easy to do.
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chip, you designed this index. give me some of the components of how it's put together. >> first, let me tell you why we did it. really struggle when when he go to a police officer and say. how far will my savings. he could is troefrl and the third thing is with the investigation -- because it a. that's the last thing that makes it very special, in my opinion, to black rock capabilities and very important to the held he
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is. so what does into it we're useding a lot of technique to income annuity, define a business plan. these are all solid world data using fineer tech neegs, but it's the idea of make that linking to a very smal. >> you have been on the forefront -- i've interviewed you the past several times over the past few years that says, people are not gauged in their. last year you said to me, it's going obomanu a great year of equities. but the retile in verse tore. >> it's that same story.
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people are losing money as much as they're making money. it's that 10,000 in cash that's waiting to come out. but what are you going to do with it? how am i going to make my money? so people whoov waiting. and. . so what we're trying to do is look at the most conservative area of the market, the poorer area. chip said something very exciting. it's not the and we can tell you what you need so that you can retire and live the rest of our life in social security. >> we filed a group of.
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we're excited to have something where are we can answer questions that people need. >> the transition period i find very interesting when i look at it, because people tend to look at their repirmt. you can do is in your early 50s. >> you have time to make a difference there. but you're also able to see. . i have monthly expenditures, i have annual expenditures, and what kory does allowed you to have those back. how is it going to work for me on that basis, providing monthly income. invest orz doing link on the
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sidelines, if women. would they exchange hem, friend that would help you understand how to get the koutouvides come, and that would be a great way to take action. >> all right, gentlemen, thank you very much. appreciate it. it's pretty exciting stuff. >> ty, up to you. >> thank you very much, goex. hi, jackie. >>. it's 10-day and it 15-yoi. technically the decline below those arjz and quite significant, but traders are saying, don't reed into it. meantime, the other telephones are furner.
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it was broitenning the outlook for. >> thank you very much, jackie deangelis sdporjtsz still in triple digits but we're off our best leflds of the day. >> interest rates have been moving up and maybe that's putting a little pressure on the markets. just a few highs not that much. major stocks are on the upside. you can see just barely off here. in terms of the sectors, it's all the cyclical names. industrials, financials, internet stocks. energy would be a lot stronger if it wasn't for exxonmobil. that's weighing on the stock, energy also weighing on the stocks. and building products, they're up. they were under a little bit of pressure in july.
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commodity stocks, you can see freeport on the upside, all doing well. that jobs report will determine what happens tomorrow. back to you. >> all right, bob pesani, thank you. bertha coombs following the maneuvers there. >> all-time highs thanks in part to yelp. the social media restaurant review site at anal-time. these are among the best performers in ips in the last couple years. . take a look at some areas of strength who have above estimate, that's boosting other chip makers as well.
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alphamet rix hitting new highs on strong results. finally, come back out to the wall here. we have the ipo today. sprouts. this is buff those competitors to. they gave out a big whoop when it was up 100%. the $400 club. only a handful of companies have a stock price higher than 400. . today we're going to take you down swrout the streets i reached. what your money buys, right now in atlanta. with the spark miles card from capital one, bjorn earns unlimited rewards for his small business. take these bags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjorn's small business earns double miles on every purchase every day.
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let's switch gears. the euro pound cross is very close to a 22-month high. there is the trade you want to watch. a lot about tomorrow's numbers moving the markets, and if you want a little more about tomorrow's number, go to for the santelli exchange extra, tyler. it will be very informative. back to you. >> rick santelli, we'll do that. thanks so much. s&p 500 all-time highs topping the 1700 mark for the first time ever. there are only four stocks that sell more than for $14 a share. of those four, only apple is
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down year to date. "washington post" up the most year to date followed by priceline and chipotle. then comes mastercard, google and auto zone. auto zone up 26%. apple, oops, a slip there on the old apple peel down 14% at 455. plus the power house today, what your money buys in atlanta. the new guy is loaded with protein! i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. [ major nutrition ] ensure! nutrition in charge! low fat and five grams of sugars. in a we believe outshining the competition tomorrow requires challenging your business inside and out today.
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guess what, steve nislen who used to live there tells you why that might not be a good idea. edward snowden notwithstanding. we'll look into jc penney. was there manipulation into that story yesterday. $200 million car. life is never going to be the same. >> that was a sweet-looking little car. it's tiny, though, right, brian? >> big engine. >> big engine. all right. talking about power, we've got power house. power house time this week in atlanta, georgia. shoring up is sherry with atlanta realty. overall sales up 38.5% year to year. that's a good sign. home prices up 28% year to year.
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a three-month inventory supply compared to 7.5 months last year. i guess the market is picking up, right? >> it's so fantastic. we're enjoying it. >> fantastic. i like to hear that. first listing is a condo, 5955 glen ridge drive. a listing for about $140,000. $2.1 thousand in taxes, two bedroom, two bath. tell me about it. >> gated entrance, secure parking, five minutes from buckhead. >> five minutes from buckhead which is a very nice area in the atlanta region. that's looking really nice. let's go to our second listing. 75 river springs drive in atlanta, listed at 425,000, last
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sold at 135,000. what did they do? >> they spent money in renovations and it's very hot inside. a very hot location, fabulous high-end completion on it. we're so happy, and they're getting ready to put it on the market. >> so there are the bedrooms here. they did obviously spend a fair amount of money on the kitchen. this is what, a split level or r rambler? what is it? >> we call it a good old ranch here in atlanta. >> a ranch-style home in atlanta. it looks beautiful. 425,000, the taxes relatively modest there as well. let's step up to our power house of the week. this one 276 glenridgeway. it's in el, lijay, about an hou outside of the city. >> in traffic it's about 45
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minutes, but it's a great weekend home. it's amazing. you have your own lake, stocked. it's a stunning home. >> four bedrooms, four bath. 1900 in taxes which is sweet music to most of us. chris is shaking his head here. that's a beautiful home, but obviously not if you want in-town living. this one is way out there, so a nice weekend place. >> it's being sold furnished as well, too. >> that's an extra benefit there. thanks so much, sherry, and good luck to you and good luck to the market down in atlanta. >> thank you. josh has a quick market flash. josh? >> we're watching the dow transport surging over 200 points today. it's also a very broad rally. you got 16 of the 20 components are up at least 2% on the day. as for specific movers lena way cew, kex and msu. sue, back to you. crime and punishment.
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a couple accused of running a massive worldwide prostitution ring. how they did it, how much money they made, and the client list that has many high rollers more nervous than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. my mother made the best toffee in the world.
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in today's crime and punishment. sandra o'day has a story about the oldest business in the earth, a couple running a prostitution and money laundering operation. >> investigators are digging around the money in this alleged case of prostitution. they found just a million in one of the couple's account. the bottom line is the client list, a list that should have big movers and shakers chaking in their boots. >> they advertised on line.
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prosecutors say it was all run by this long island couple raking in millions, dispatching prostitutes all over the world to wealthy businessmen looking for a good time. and the federal complaint more like a porn novel. >> they offered things unsafe and unprotected so i didn't consider them competition. >> kristin davis she said went to running a hedge fund to running one of the biggest prostitution rings in the city. she was busted in 2008. she supplied the former governor, eliot spitzer, with prostitutes, something spitzer denies. and another ironic twist, davis and spitzer both running for city comptroller. >> they run from celebrities to superstars to hedge fund managers. >> and she said she was well a ware of the long island couple's escort services called the aphrodite companion, their site
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filled with girls for hire, listing cities, even detailed down to body type. they said the husband and wife team worked as brokers for sex, hiring beautiful women and hooking them up with wealthy johns, flying girls from aphrodite all over the u.s. and around the world, from miami to south africa and dubai. the lombard is allegedly getting a 30% cut of the proceeds. the layout on-site so graphic we can't share it on tv. the lombardis saying, quote, a group of businessmen looking for dinner companions and a length of time is included. you will get between 6,000 and $8,000 for those hours. aphrodite linked up to a website called erotic review, or ter, a
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site for johns to review their dates. in the complaint, one john using the alias dirty midget in the review and stating, quote, she opened the door to her private apartment, greeted me with blank and then led me to the shower. >> they have said in the complaint that they have a search warrant for their e-mails. their client list is already in the hands of law enforcement. >> reporter: investigators say the lombardos running the business out of their homes here in boca raton, florida and this rental in long island. according to the federal complaint, the cash kept rolling in, the couple moving money around between accounts, including citibank, td and bank of america. at wells fargo, the account showing numerous cash deposits in excess of a million dollars. and regular incoming wire transfers from escorts. >> they made a lot of money off of wall streeters. i think some people are going to get arrested for all the crimes
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they're doing in connection, so it's going to be interesting. >> after a two-year multi-state investigation, the couple finally arrested on long island by a team of agents, including the nypd and homeland security investigation. >> we are and have taken an aggressive stance in attacking these organizations. >> the lombardos' attorney says his clients are asserting their innocence. quote, as far as my clients are concerned, they were operating a lawful enterprise in the event the end users engaged in criminal behavior, it was without the knowledge of the lombardos. >> i just spoke to the lombardos' attorney and he says they're eager to defend themselves in court. he's working on a bail package now in the hopes they'll be released by late friday. back to you. >> angela, thank you very much. a big move in the markets today and also for west texas oil. that's coming up next. s&p 500 at all-time highs, breaking 1700 for the first time
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was the chairman executive of fre freddie mac in 2009. the irs has been involved in that scandal of overtaxing of organizations. john koskinen, new head of the irs. sue? >> oil prices climbing over 2%, highest level we've seen in two days after better than expected performance. that's helping stocks and we see the transports up 200 points even though we have a big move up in oil. rally on the street with the s&p 500 hitting a new all-time high hitting 1700. we have the dow jones industrial average up 127. the s&p is traded up 18 points. that's better than points to the up side and the nasdaq up 35 points.
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ten-year yield climbing 2.7%. biggest winners today, itt corp, american express, bank of america and sandis. ty, that's it. >> sue, that will do it for this edition of "power lunch." >> "street signs" begins now. see you tomorrow. and it's all about street signs on today's "street signs." stocks continue on a tear. tech really soaring. it's all good news today. we're going to ask tesla if they still deserve your hard-earned money. looking for opportunities outside the country? what russia has done that should give you pause again. small is very big lately. the companies are doing better than the overall market. your guest


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